Esports Zealot 🎮

Welcome Gamers and their friends!
How many times have you stumbled upon a "ggez" or "plant default" in your DOTA 2 or Rainbow Six's game chat, and you have no idea what that means? Maybe you want to give your favourite Twitch streamer a fantastic strategy, but the message is too big and confusing? If that's the case, you have to come to the right place, padawan. We have created a huge repository of words and acronyms complete with their definitions to help you become the MVP of the chat. So spam your POG and get your G-Fuel ready because now you will be one step closer to becoming the Ultimate Gamer Chad!

Our Story 📚

When gamers and developers were debating whether playing or developing a game was tough, there was a Joe who didn't know who a 'noob' was. In addition to being one himself, he had now become a common adversary. Thus, the Malakar brothers, came up with an ingenious idea to build a standard for gaming slangs, the universal dictionary, the bible for whosoever takes birth in the gaming paradise.

This idea gained momentum and initial developments started with a few contributors from around the world as a part of HacktoberFest 2020. It underwent a lot of development of ideas after combined groups of developers and gamers got together to produce this piece of art.

Now, we don't know if the initial debate that started this movement will ever end; what we do know is that Joe is now a gamer Chad after visiting this website because Esports Zealot when compressed is, EZ .

Maintainers 🛠️

Soham Malakar


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Swastik Malakar


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Abhishek Raj


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Development 🌟

Being an Open Source Project, the code is freely available on GitHub. Don't forget to star and fork.